Is There Really Such a Thing as the Perfect Diet?
A question came up in a client session recently that I think is worth talking about here: is there such a thing as the perfect diet? There is so much conflicting information out there about what makes a healthy diet, along with a lot of different practitioners (and marketers) claiming that their particular diet is the best for longevity, or weight-loss, or lowering cholesterol, etc. What is a person to do?
The best answer I can give you is that there is no "perfect" diet for everyone, but with help from nutrition experts, some careful experimentation, and patience you can find the diet that is right for you and your body. Every body is different. There are some general rules that do work for most people when it comes to eating healthy (as Michael Pollan says in In Defense of Food, "Eat [whole, unprocessed] food. Not too much. Mostly plants."), but how much protein or other vital nutrients you specifically need can vary widely. And then, there are also the questions of what you really like to eat, what you can afford to buy, and how much cooking you can do, all of which should never be ignored when implementing a diet.
So, first and foremost, if you are confused about what diet is right for you, talk with a registered dietitian or nutritionist. You can find one with the proper certifications through this website. Using your body metrics, bloodwork, and other tests, they can give you a picture of the kind of dietary support your body needs, as well as food and meal recommendations that are specific to those needs.
Then, if you aren't sure how you are going to make that diet change and turn it into a habit, talk to a board-certified health coach, like me. I can help you tap into your inner motivations for making the diet change, experiment with strategies that make the diet change easier, set small and long-term doable goals, and keep you accountable to them. As a culinary coach, too, I can also help you learn how to cook the food you need to eat and make home cooking a regular part of your routine.
In the end, there may not be a "perfect" diet for everyone, but there is a diet that is right for you. Seek out the people who can help you figure out what that is and put it into action. It will take time and a willingness to try out options until you find what works best, but with a little support you can absolutely make the dietary changes you need and want.